
Symptoms of Cocaine Addiction: Be Aware, Be Warned   

Cocaine and Meth come under the class of drugs called stimulants. Both these are schedule II drugs meaning they carry a grave risk of addiction and dependency.  As a Central Nervous System Stimulant, cocaine is used primarily for recreational reasons. Like Meth, it results in a flood of dopamines. The user experiences intense feelings, and […]

Mental Health Physiotherapy

The Potency of Hydrocodone Vs Oxycodone: Exploring the Differences 

When it comes to Hydrocodone and Oxycodone, the two most commonly prescribed medications for relief from chronic pain, the differences are subtle. There is a slight difference in composition and the symptoms may vary as well ( slightly).  Otherwise, the two painkillers often labeled as highly addictive are the primary culprits and the leading cause […]

Mental Health Physiotherapy

A Painkiller that Kills: Identifying Percocet Addiction Signs & Side Effects

One of the most commonly prescribed painkillers that doctors prescribe is associated with high risks of addiction and overdose. Labeled as a Schedule II drug by the United States Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Percocets can only be procured if you have a valid doctor’s prescription. But the ease or the ingenious ways with which youngsters […]

Mental Health Physiotherapy

ADHD Prescription Drugs Addiction: Insights and Rehabilitation

ADHD is  Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. If your child cannot pay attention, if they are restless, attention-seeking, and highly impulsive to the point of being dysfunctional, they could have ADHD.  ADHD is among the most common mental conditions in children. Around 6 million children aged 3 to 17 years are diagnosed with the disorder (CDC). However, with […]